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Category: Social Security Disability Information

Social Security Disability for Veteran's PTSD

Social Security Disability Veteran’s PTSD

Veteran’s PTSD In recent decades veteran’s PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) has been recognized as a serious and debilitating condition. Veterans who have engaged in intense and prolonged combat or experienced another exceptionally stressful event are at risk of developing PTSD. The anxiety disorder, also known as shell shock and battle fatigue, has probably been around...

mental disability claims

Qualifying for Benefits Under Mental Disorders

Qualifying for Benefits Under Mental Disorders The Social Security Administration, employers and “independent” physicians with a stake in denying benefits can be highly skeptical of mental disability claims under mental health listings. At the law firm of Cox & Stansberry Law, LLC, we know that mental disorders can be every bit as incapacitating as a physical...

Social Security Disability Application

Help Filing Your Initial Social Security Disability Application

When filing your initial social security disability application, give yourself the best chance of initial claim success It is true that most people are turned down on their first social security disability application. Even people who are clearly disabled are routinely turned away. However, about 25 to 30 percent of claimants are approved on the...

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